Portie Par - A Portland Adventure


Greetings massive!

The journey to Likkle Portie was long and wet, but ended with a pleasant surprise! (pls.... don't)

Check out the newest episode of the #DownDiRoad travel series right here, but please stay for the story & photo gallery below!

#DownDiRoad Episode 7 - Likkle Portie - Portland Jamaica Adventure

So boom! One more week one more adventure! When we were drafting the schedule for #DownDiRoad SE03, Nanny Falls in Portland was a high priority on the list. We have been to most of the popular beaches and waterfalls in Portland, but there is sooo much more up in the mountains that we have yet to see. The plan was to spend a weekend in Portland, with the focus being on Nanny Falls, Soldier Camp Bar & Grill, and then Somerset Falls. Just know say none a that never keep! Long story short, it rained all weekend.

We started the journey by heading up to Nanny Falls in Moore Town on Saturday afternoon to start our adventure but the rain was so bad, we had to turn back. We decided to scrap that plan and head to Soldier Camp Bar & Grill for a bite to eat, but due to the heavy rain, only the owner was there and we would have had to wait too long for the food. We ended up going to a random cook shop in Port Antonio town, with the hopes of finding Bikini Beach which is located at the Errol Flynn Marina. By that time it was 5:30PM, and the Marina closes at 5:00PM, so that was a bust. We did salvage the day by going to Maybelle's Pub on the Pier for a few drinks, before heading back to our hotel; the Bay View Eco Resort & Spa.Bay View Eco Resort & Spa as the name suggests, is an eco-tourism centered resort in Portland which is powered in part by solar energy.

All rooms have been retrofitted with inverter air conditioners and their water is pumped and purified from their very own spring. The fruits and vegetables they prepare in their Country Style Restaurant are grown on their own farm. Bay View is a very rustic property. They have some really dope murals on the outside which add such character to the property. All in all I'd say Bay View is a very nice budget friendly property with clean accommodations, breakfast included, pool and also in the general vicinity or most attractions in Portland. You all should definitely check it out next time you're staying over in Portland.

We ended our night at The Italian Job, a cute little Italian restaurant in Port Antonio town. The Italian Job is owned and operated by some Italian expatriates who fell in love with and moved to Portland. The food is authentic, fresh, and tastes really good! The restaurant is in a quant setting in Port Antonio, and very affordable I would say as well.

So boom, we slept & decided it was time to head out from Bay View & start for the second day of adventures. The plan was to stop by Somerset Falls before the journey back to Kingston. BIG MISS STEAK!

Somerset was so crowded! There was a big trip with maybe 10 bus loads of people and more buses just kept driving in! At this point it felt like the weekend was such a waste. Between the rain and the crowd at Somerset, we thought all was lost, but with a bit of quick thinking we ended up at Likkle Portie, a place we've known all our years gong to Portland but have never been. We ended up here via the Sea Bell Resort, which accepts visitors with the condition that they support the establishment (buy out ih bar).

From Sea Bell, you can either hang out on their beach, or take a walk over to the Likkle Portie river which is right next door. It's the perfect mixture of river and sea, as the Likkle Portie river water flows right into the Hope Bay.All in all, there's a silver lining to every situation. What was supposed to be a full organised weekend, turned up to be the usual random adventure down di road.

As always, we ask that if you're reading this, take a trip; go out and explore Jamaica. You won't regret it!

Until the next one.


- Doof


Tourism professional, photographer, cinematographer, and writer from Kingston, Jamaica.


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